About Our Firm

PlaceEconomics is a private sector firm with over thirty years experience in the thorough and robust analysis of the economic impacts of historic preservation. We conduct studies, surveys, and workshops in cities and states across the country that are addressing issues of downtown, neighborhood, and commercial district revitalization and the reuse of historic buildings.

We specialize in quality, defensible research, and present findings clearly and effectively in formats that can be understood by academics, economists, mayors, city council members, property owners, and local stakeholders alike.

Our Values

We value the pursuit of original and robust analytical research, therefore we craft diligent methodologies and utilize granular data sources.

We value understanding and responding to the needs of the client, therefore we tailor each report to the context and issues of that place. 

We value physical and intellectual accessibility of information, therefore we present findings in laymen’s terms and make our reports publicly available.

We value being at the cutting edge, therefore we stay current on national and international best practices in heritage policy and analysis.

We value that we as a firm are always learning, therefore we invest in professional development for our team members and undertake research and development assignments that challenge us to expand our methodologies. 

We value our clients’ time and resources, therefore we do not take on a project for which we are not the best firm to do the work.

Contact the PlaceEconomics Team

Donovan Rypkema


Rodney Swink, FASLA, PLA

Senior Associate for Planning and Development

Katlyn Cotton

Director of Communications and Design

Alyssa Frystak

Director of Research and Data Analytics

Starr Herr-Cardillo

Content Writer


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