Weekend News Roundup – June 3, 2022
Author: Starr Herr-Cardillo
Jun 03, 2022

Preservation News
The National Park Service announces $7.27 million dollars will go towards funding grants to help with preservation in rural communities.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation published its list of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places for 2022.
PBS News highlights five U.S. landmarks that climate change puts at risk.
Local Lessons
Miami Dade Trust secures affordable housing through renovation and preservation without displacement in Little Havana.
Strong Towns looks at how Buffalo’s Green Code has led to a resurgence of “legacy shops.”
Governing takes a look at the impact of Minneapolis’s 2018 single family zoning reform, years later.
The New York Times looks at tensions playing out in rural New York around preservation and luxury housing development.
Challenging Histories
From ProPublica, an architectural historian found that the development of a massive grain elevator being proposed near the small town of Wallace, Louisiana would have an adverse effect on sites important to African American history and the legacy of slavery, but the consulting firm that hired her omitted the findings.
An op-ed in the Virginia Mercury by a team of geographers who studied visitor experience makes the case for involving descendants of enslaved people at U.S. historic sites.
Preserving a massive, brutalist monument to the Communist Party in Bulgaria became a fixation for one Bulgarian architect. The project poses challenges from a conservation standpoint–the saucer-shaped building has been deteriorating for decades– and a social one as many aren’t keen to commemorate a dark chapter of the country’s past.
Housing Matters
Main Street America released its At Home on Main Report, which looks at the state of housing across Main Street communities.
WNYC Radio does a deep dive, looking at the “current state of fair housing in America, 54 years after the passage of the National Fair Housing Act.”