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Charleston, SC

July 28, 2010 – Charleston, SC. Donovan Rypkema delivered a keynote speech at the 2010 International Heritage Development Conference (IHDC). The week-long conference is sponsored by the Alliance of National Heritage Areas (ANHA) and attracts partners within the heritage development field to its series of seminars, tours, and innovative discussions on how to improve the tourism industry worldwide. Excerpts of his speech are below.

Seattle, WA

December 13-16, 2009 – Seattle, WA. “Pioneer Square: Perceptions, Realities, Strategies.” Under contract the with Office of Economic Development (OED) of the City of Seattle, Rypkema conducted a 4-day technical assistance visit to the Pioneer Square commercial district in Seattle. The purpose of the visit was to assist the OED and the recently formed Pioneer Square Revitalization Committee in advancing the Pioneer Square Commercial District Revitalization Initiative. The objective of that initiative is to identify a set of actionable strategies to address key issues around business retention and growth, retail mix, and business capacity in Pioneer Square.

Collingwood, Canada

May 31, 2008 – Collingwood, Canada. Lloyd Alter, a writer for Tree Hugger, interviewed Rypkema during the three-day Provincial Heritage Conservation Conference. The Landmarks not Landfill conference focused on conservation and preservation of heritage buildings, and highlighted environmental benefits of heritage preservation. Rypkema spoke on “The Role of Historic Preservation in Sustainable Development,” arguing that historic preservation can be referred to as “smart growth” and that preserving historic neighborhoods throughout Southern Ontario is critical.

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