Over the past two decades, no firm or institution in America has conducted more analyses of the economic impacts of historic preservation than has PlaceEconomics. Beginning in Virginia in 1995 with the first statewide study of the impacts of preservation, we have prepared impact analyses in over a dozen states. Recently, we have expanded the types of studies we are able to provide to include analysis of affordable housing, deconstruction, and resiliency. Find our studies below.

November 2018
Raleigh Historic Preservation Toolkit
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November 2018
Miami-Dade Incentives, Tools, and Strategies Assessment
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November 2018
Enhancing Paradise: The Impacts of Historic Preservation on Miami-Dade County
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September 2018
The Contributions and Impacts of the Olmsted Parks
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August 2018
Catalyst for the Boulevard
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April 2018
Making the Connections: A Study of the Impact of Historic Preservation in Indianapolis
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March 2018
Historic Preservation: An Overlooked Economic Driver, A Study of the Impacts of Historic Preservation in Rhode Island
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October 2017
No Small Change: The Grant Programs of Landmarks Illinois
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June 2017
The Historic Tax Credit: Building the Future in Louisiana
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January 2017
Oklahoma Historic Tax Credit: Impact on the Oklahoma Economy
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April 2016
Historic Preservation: At the Core of a Dynamic New York City
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February 2016
A Way Forward: Strategies and Tools for Addressing Vacancy in Little Rock
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